You have been tempted to give up...
Very often we think about the possibility of giving up...
Very often we think we cannot do...
Very often we feel we are not able to...
Very often we get discouraged and imagine we will not get there...
Very often we are almost there and we want to give up...
When this feeling comes to our heart and we have a terrible fear inside of us....
We should understand our strenght comes from the Lord...
Our steps are guided by Him...
Our goals are not our goals but they are supposed to be His goals in our hearts...
Our life is not ours anymore but our life belongs to Him...
He will take care of us even though it seems like He is distant and indiferent...
He will take care of us even though it seems like He has forgotten us...
He will take care of us even though it seems like He has not heard our prayers...
He will be with us even though I may fail...
He will be with us and take our hands in order to lead us....
He will be with us and we will not be just almost there...
We will get there and be there by His grace...
It is just by His grace that it is possible to "survive" in this fallen world..
It is just by His amazing grace that we do not give up on...
It is just by His grace that we will find a place of peace in our heart...
Because He gives strength to those who are tired; to the ones who lack power, He gives renewed energy. Even youths get tired and weary; even strong young men clumsily stumble...
But those who wait for the Lord’s help find renewed strength; they rise up as if they had eagles’ wings, they run without growing weary, they walk without getting tired.