In our Friday Meetings one of the most impotant things that we say and share...
It is the issue that we need to have a relationship with God and this does not mean necessarily to have a religion...
If you think about religion ("religión" or "religião" in Spanish and Portuguese) that means ("re-ligar") or re-connect...
We understand this is a good definition because we are far away from God and we need to reconnect with Him...
On the other hand, when we think about religion immeditaly we think about "church" as an institution that was made by Constantine that established the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed religious tolerance of Christians throughout the empire.
This "chuch" has to do with building and politics, rules and has brought wars after wars, crusades, inquisition and a lot of innocent blood during the whole History...
For us church means people when they get together!
For us God is bigger than any institution and does not have to do with any denomination!
For us God is really and 100% LOVE!
For us His mercy is over any human being who seeks Him truly with an open heart!
For us to get together it is a moment where our differences are gone!
We "forget" our nationalities, backgrounds, etc. and for a moment we are able to share our weaknesses with each other, our principles and ideas with freedom, we speak about God´s grace that means freedom with responsability and not licentiousness - "liberdad con responsabilidad que no significa libertinaje" (Spanish).
We speak about God, life, family...
We sing, we have a lots of fun and especially we have a great and sincere fellowship.
This is our FRIDAY meeting!