Basically, the Protestant Reformation was a movement in Europe that began in 1517 with Martin Luther in Germany. He put those famous ninety-five theses to the door of the Wittemberg Castle.
John Calvin was other very important reformer. He was born in 1509 in France but he was able to teach and influence many people by his writings and teachings in Geneve, Switzerland where was considered the capital of the Protestantism during that period.
Zwingli was born in 1484 in Switzerland and was a leader of the Reformation in his country.
The "last very important name" of the Protestant Reformation that I would like to talk about is John Knox who was born in 1510 in Scotland, founder of the Presbyterian denomination and also was John Calvin´s friend.
In these last three years I have visited the Wittemberg Castle, Luther´s house and his grave in Germany, some churches where Zwingli preached in Zurich, many churches where Calvin and Knox preached and taught in Geneve, Calvin´s grave, the famous Reformation Wall and other important places of the Reformation in Europe.
Few days ago I went to John Knox´s house and his church where usually he preached in Edinburgh...
In fact, they have been able to bring a great change for our History and their teachings and questions were related to those famous indulgences, doctrines of the Catholic church, purgatory and the authority of the Pope.
Althought their teachings have been a great change....
As a result of many religious conflicts and controversies we have seen a lot of wars and battles...
The thirty years´war was one of the most important wars between Protestants and Catholics in Europe...
I could write about North Irland and Irland, US and Iraq and what happens in Brazil and all Latin America about the conflicts between Catholics and Protestants, religious problems and things that we do in God´s name but it does not mean necessarily God is approving them...
Have you ever thought about it just for a second...
Actually, we have been "making" wars on behalf of God...
When I think about it I agree with Gandhi when he said to those Anglican English who dominated his country...
"I know your Christ but I do not know your Christianity. You Christians are so unlike your Christ"...
And also I understand his words when he said...
"Be the change you want to see in the world".
I hope we may be the difference in the History but also my prayer is that we may be the salt and light of the world living the pure and simple Gospel...
1 comentario:
gracias Fabio! this is a great post. Nice work getting your blog up and running. Gandhi was a wise dude. :) Johnna
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