The cross is empty and He is not there anymore...
His grave or tomb is empty because it is MONDAY!
Praise God! It is MONDAY!
One of the most amazing things that I saw in Israel 13 years ago it was in the garden tomb because it was written: "He is not here, for He is risen".
I have talked to some friends and we realized that Easter (in Barcelona) is a little bit "weird" even in our churches.
Bryan my American friend told me that no one preached about Easter, ressurection, etc. in his church.
In my local church there were only a few people in the service to celebrate Easter...
I said to some friends "Happy Easter" and I "felt" that something was "wrong"..
Barcelona has a huge History behind its "history"...
If you look at the past you will understand how its "church", religion, the Spanish dictatorship and other issues have made Barcelona what it is...
..but Easter keeps being Easter and so I thank God for His ressurection and because He is alive!
I just got a nice email from Johnna and I loved it.
Our friend Wainer, who is missionary and lives in Brazil, wrote her a very nice email and message about Easter and I would like to share it with you...
May God bless us and make us think about Easter and his ressurrection and power every day.
"We know life is at times complicated and ups and downs come to all. We know that we do not always understand the challenges and tragedies that happens on earth. It is at times painfully clear that life is not always under our "control" as we would hope. The choices for our lives are at times made by circumstances way above our control and by others. And yet...
When we encounter and are encounter by faith... when our eyes, heart and minds are open to Jesus and the eternal perspective we have in HIM... Heaven is waiting for us! Then, this faith/conviction and hope is undoubtedly the greatest gift one can have while traveling the earth...
HE is alive and there is hope... HE is alive and eternity in the Father's home where we will be reunited with those who went before us... and see our loved ones... is coming! Praise the Lord!
We begin this Monday, the day after Easter Sunday 2010, with new hope in our hearts and renewed gratitude "Because He Lives we can face tomorrow, Because HE lives, all fear is gone, because we know He holds the future, And life is worth the living just because He lives.
Have a most blessed Monday, Tuesday... and may HIS blessings of love, faith and hope be ever growing as you walk this side of eternity. And may the power from above in Jesus be with you today giving you also double strength, and refreshed determination to go on."
1 comentario:
Fala Fabinho, pelo que eu entendi do seu post, aí em Barcelona a igreja sofreu influências (políticas, religiosas etc..) que fizeram com que a páscoa não fosse tão marcante assim na vida dos cristãos? é isso mesmo? abraço brother !
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