I have realized the huge connection between the Jewish People and the cities Prague, Budapest and Krakow...
Prague has one of the most important Jewish Cemeteries of the world...
They do not know how many tombstones are there - probably 12.000.
They say that the first ones were put there in the 15th century...
Budapest has the largest functioning synagogue in Europe and the second largest in the world. The first one is in Jerusalem...
Krakow has the most important concentration camp that was used by the Nazis...
As we know it is Auschwitz!
People say that more than 2.5 million Jews died there.
In addition, Krakow is very well known because it has been the scenery of the one of the most important movies of Steven Spielberg that is named Schindler's list!
Almost 2 years ago I was in Prague and could live this "Jewish environment"...
Especially by walking on the Jewish streets and neighborhood, looking at the synagogues and understanding their "signs"...
This morning I had the privilege to see the synagogue of Budapest...
And next week I will be visiting Krakow in order to see and understand the History a little bit more.
I am very excited because I love to study the cultures, their differences, museums, art and the History...
By the way, it was more than 3 years ago that I planned to go to Krakow and visit Auschwitz.
It was exactly when I went to visit other concentration camp that is called Sachesenhausen in Berlin.
For some reasons I have not been able to go to Krakow and visit Budapest but now it is their turn and I am really "diving in this ocean"...
I believe the History is for being studied...
But also for being understood in order not to be repeated...
Think about it!
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