Me and Johnna had fun by visiting Madrid, Salamanca, Avila, Segovia & Toledo!
We met our friend Leah in Madrid and really enjoyed the Spanish cities...
Madrid is the Spanish capital.
It is a huge city and has great parks like "el Retiro", very famous and important museums like "El Prado y La Reina Sofia" and good food!
We went to the "oldest" restaurant of the world according to the Guiness' book - Casa Botin!
Salamanca is incredible! My favorite one!
I love that kind of style!
The university is one of the oldest university of the world.
Its "plaza mayor" is considered the most beautiful "plaza mayor" of Spain.
The city is really beautiful!
Avila has the Roman walls and we walked over them!
Segovia has one of the most amazing Roman aqueduct left!
"Cochinillo" is the most important and well known dish of Segovia.
Toledo is a mix of Christian, Muslim and Jewish influences!
It is a medieval city and you will enjoy visiting the churches, cathedrals andu just walk around you will understand what I am talking about...
This part of Spain is really precious because it is very rich!
You can learn so many things and understand the differences between the Spanish cities, provinces, habits & cultures.
GREAT time!
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